Навигатор российского авиабизнеса
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KP-24,SP-26P-3,SK-22-2K,RT-12-6 Ser.2,PTS-800BM,AZSGK-25,BRN120T5A-3C,RM-355G,C-1,TR-100/2,TS310C04B,PBS-1 /
KP-24,SP-26P-3,SK-22-2K,RT-12-6 Ser.2,PTS-800BM,AZSGK-25,BRN120T5A-3C,RM-355G,C-1,TR-100/2,TS310C04B,PBS-1
Автор: | Кругленков Сергей Николаевич |
Пожалуйста, авторизируйтесь, чтобы иметь доступ к контактам
The company takes orders for delivery of the following items in the 1st quarter 2019.
All the items are of 2018-2019 manufacture and authentic. They all have the warranty of the faсtory-manufacturer. Payment conditions: 50% prepay from the agreed price, the rest 50% payment should be done not later than 14 days from the supposed date of delivery.
- Oxygen regulator - KP-24
- Igniter - SP-26P-3
- Booster coil SK-22-2K
- Temperature selector RT-12-6 Ser.2
- Three phase frequency converter PTS-800BM
- Circuit braker AZSGK-25
- Voltage control unit BRN120T5A-3C
- Rigid-jointed frame RM-355G
- Horn C-1
- Transformer TR-100/2
- Transformer TS310C04B
- Overhead light PBS-1